Election season is a favorite season for many people to try to separate their politics from their faith. Surely, something as trivial as politics doesn’t matter to the Lord. The Savior couldn’t possibly care who you vote for, or whether you even vote at all, right?
Or does He?
The Lord has said: “All things unto me are spiritual” (D&C 29:34). Participating in democratic processes is a social responsibility, and fulfilling our social responsibility is a moral and spiritual obligation. Your politics have spiritual implications, because the causes and candidates you support are a reflection of you. Politics and elections do not take place in an alternate universe divorced from reality. Your vote affects you and others, and they reflect on you spiritually.
I think we will be judged someday, not for the name we wrote on our ballots, but for how we approached the responsibility given to us as voters. If someone, drowning in misinformation, squinting in the mist, voted for a candidate who, in the dark, dark, fog, truly seemed like the righteous choice, then the Lord will judge them by their intent. If someone voted for a good candidate, but for evil reasons (use your imagination), then I believe the Lord will judge them by their intent as well. If someone randomly happened to chose a good candidate because they were too lazy to research the candidates, the Lord will still frown upon them for shirking their social responsibilities.
Like the Master who gave five, two, and one talents to his servants, the Lord does not expect us to know or accomplish everything on our own, in our imperfect, mortal, easily fooled state. He does, however, expect us to do the best with what we were given. Whoever you vote for, make sure it is who your conscience supports, because you will be held accountable for your choice someday, when we are judged for ALL our actions.
If you really believe in God, you don’t need to justify your vote to anyone except the Lord. In your prayers, explain to the Lord why you are voting for who you intend to vote for. If you can truly, honestly, and confidently say that you are ready to explain your vote at the Bar of Jehovah someday, whoever you decide to vote for, you can rest easy knowing you made the right choice.